Asian Wedding Traditions Explained

Eastern weddings are a rebellion of colours, fun filled events and are full of cultures. They generally last for a month and are grandiose activities. Several pre wedding rituals have to be performed before the actual marriage day like engagement ceremony, musical evening ( sangeet ) and henna party. All these events are accompanied by life audio and are enjoyed with wonderful fanfare.

As per ancient Chinese tradition the partners had first arrange for an opportune time according to jin hua, a conversation with numerology and spirits that determines the most suitable day for marriage. Then the vicar’s edge is required to take a number of gifts that may incorporate foodstuff, cakes and spiritual items.

On the wedding time, it is customary for the bride to be escorted down the aisle by her relatives with items and blossom bouquets. Her dress is generally red, a color that represents adore, success, loyalty and honour. A qipao, or Western- style outfit, is also usually worn by the modern bride.

The marriage is typically conducted at a church and the bride and groom present decorated twigs of Sakaki, a sacred tree that symbolises fate, reproduction, harmony and fortune to the ancestors. Then a priest pours gold tinted rice and turmeric on the couple to bless them for a prosperous life together.

A tea ceremony to honour the families of the bride and groom is sometimes done during the wedding or three days after it. It’s a lovely gesture and an opportunity for the new couple to reassure their parents that they are happy in their choice of spouse.

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